Dogs is a 1976 American horror film directed by Burt Brinckerhoff and starring David McCallum, Sandra McCabe and George Wyner.
On the quiet campus of the remotely-located SouthWestern University, something strange is happening. All of the dogs in the area, once loyal, gentle pets, are now banding together in wild packs and hunting down their former masters. Could the strange transformation have anything to do with the secret government experiements being conducted in the school’s physics laboratory? More importantly, can the dogs be stopped before it’s too late?
There was to be a sequel, appropriately entitled Cats. But when Dogs failed to bite at the box office, production was cancelled.
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“While it’s far from being a classic of its genre, it has its moments in addition to some name stars among its cast. While The Pack (1977) is better, Dogs (1976) has the edge in the blood department. Although not a complete howler, I would only recommend it to ‘Animal Attack’ movie completists and for those wishing to see what familiar small screen stars were doing in between their TV tenures. Cool Ass Cinema
“Another area of unintentional laughter is the filmmaker’s choice in types of dogs to use. It is understandable that the intent of the movie is to show what family pet Fido can do when properly motivated (as in, altered by top-secret government gas). Instead of using the known intimidating breeds, like Rottweilers, Dobermans, or German sheppards, they opted to use friendlier looking dogs, mostly long haired ones, and the ones they have about as much capability of being threatening as do kittens. Fluffy dogs are not scary. ” Rock! Shock! Pop!
“The film does occasionally muster up some nice atmosphere, used most effectively in a sequence involving a posse vs. the pack. It’s also worth mentioning that we’re treated to some effectively eerie background baying here and there throughout the movie.Enough so that I almost forgot that the film I was watching wasn’t all that good. As for attack scenes and blood shed, the pooches rack up a nice body count tearing into any and everyone in their path, highlights being a full scale assault on a large group of college kids and a Norman Bates-esque shower scene with a young lady and a Doberman.” Horror News