‘She’ll suck more than your blood!’
Sexcula is a 1974 Canadian adult science fiction horror film that was previously considered to be ‘lost’. Shot in Vancouver, British Columbia, by Bob Hollowich it was screened once before disappearing and has been sought after by cult sinema aficionados for decades. It stars Debbie Collins, Jamie Orlando and John Alexander.
A young woman inherits a mansion and discovers an old diary that details the exploits of Dr. Fellatingstein (Jamie Orlando), who has created a man named Frank (John Alexander) to satisfy her insatiable desires Unfortunately, Frank doesn’t seem up to the task. Frustrated, she summons a relative, Countess Sexula (Debbie Collins), to assist her in arousing Frank to perform. A gorilla and a female pleasure-robot are also involved…
Following a print being discovered in the Canadian Film Archives, Impulse Pictures, an imprint of Synapse Films, released this hardly seen movie on DVD on April 9 2013.
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“… fairly horrible but no less enjoyable and everyone in front of the camera seems to be in on the joke. Even if the performances are goofy and wooden, the cinematography fairly primitive and the whole thing completely ludicrous, this makes for a fun watch.” Ian Jane, Rock! Shock! Pop!
“On most levels, Sexcula is poorly made. The director and cinematographer have little clue about staging scenes in any interesting way. The film is indifferent to the period setting – with telephones and modern lights turning up in the supposed 1869 era. This does lead to the occasional breaking of the fourth wall…” Richard Scheib, Moria
” …it’s a brew so completely out of its mind you won’t believe it exists even after watching it. A mad female scientist, a lady robot, a lust-crazed bisexual ape, random inserts, nonsensical plotting, and terrible, terrible acting. In short, it’s pretty glorious.” Nathaniel Thompson, Mondo Digital
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“The film’s visuals are actually very good, especially the more sexually charged moments. Pacing is never an issue as things move along nicely from one sexual rendezvous to the next. And even the in between moments that give the viewer more character backstory are all very entertaining and at times extremely amusing.” Chris Wood, 10k Bullets
“With its gorilla suits, crackling electronic equipment and references to classic Universal monsters, Sexcula manages to be almost as out-of-time as the Countess’ bedside telephone—a genre-mixing curiosity piece that is still fun but, like other Canadian films of its ilk, a little sexually self-conscious in the way it keeps insisting on its own artifice.” Canuxploitation!
Main cast:
- Debbie Collins in dual roles as Countess Sexcula and an aroused bride
- Jamie Orlando as Fellatingstein
- John Alexander
- Tim Lowery
- Bud Coal
- Marie McLeod
- David F. Hurry
- Julia Simons
- Franklin Parker
- Clarence Frog
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