The Oily Maniac is a 1976 Hong Kong supernatural horror film directed by Meng Hua Ho (Black Magic; The Psychopath; The Mighty Peking Man) from a screenplay by Lam Chua [as Tsai Lan]. The Shaw Brothers production stars Danny Lee (Infra-Man), Ping Chen, Lily Li.
The film is based on a folk tale and was filmed mainly in Malaysia.
On 24 July 2017, 88 Films release the film on Blu-ray in the UK as part of their 88 Asia Collection.
A disabled man takes revenge on criminals by using a magic spell that transforms him into an oily monster/superhero…
“The baddies are so evil that not only would they send an innocent man to the gallows but they steal his plant and rape his daughter – these are bad people, crooked capitalists, evil lawyers, blackmailers and venal plastic surgeons […] Oily Maniac is daft cheese which even steals John Williams’ theme from Jaws, but any film which mixes botched plastic surgery, witchcraft and hilarious court scenes is cool in my book.” John White, 10k Bullets
” …periodically works in dollops of nudity and sexual violence. The storyline also incorporates some gratuitously lurid details and throwaway moments (for example, not only is the aforementioned doctor a butcher but she also transforms prostitutes into “virgins” in order to bilk wealthy johns), which has the effect of making the movie seem utterly schizophrenic on top of its other offences.” Hong Kong Digital
“Oily Maniac is not so much a B-Movie as a C-Movie, but is entertaining enough in its camp way – and is probably the only place you will ever see a man beaten to death with his own bicycle.” Heroes of the East
“The special effects are amusingly dire: the maniac can transform into an animated glob, allowing him to flow under doors and even travel through plumbing. While these moments are memorable in all of the wrong ways, they are topped by the later sight of the undulating oil slick zooming along the highway in hot pursuit of a car, which it then proceeds to ooze all over, a la The Blob!” John Charles, Hong Kong Digital
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