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Nightmare USA: The Untold Story of the Exploitation Independents – book


Nightmare USA Stephen Thrower FAB Press

Nightmare USA: The Untold Story of the Exploitation Independents is a huge (528 pages) tome by musician and author Stephen Thrower (Eyeball Compendium; Beyond Terror: The Films of Lucio Fulci; Murderous Passions: The Delirious Cinema of Jesus Franco and Horrorpedia.com contributor) that analyses American exploitation cinema with a focus on horror. First published in May 2007, this seminal book was reprinted for a fourth time in a hardback edition with a poster by British-based FAB Press in September 2014.


Publisher’s blurb:

Between 1970 and 1985, American exploitation movies went berserk. With censorship relaxed, and the gate to excess wide open, horror – the Exploitation genre par excellence – offered a vibrant alternative to the mainstream of American cinema. Luridly titled wonders like The Headless EyesScream Bloody Murder and Hitch Hike to Hell were everywhere, from the drive-ins of Texas to the grindhouses of New York, touting a combination of mind-bruising violence, weird sex and drug-soaked delirium. Massively popular around the world, American exploitation movies added immensely to the richness of the nation’s cinema, but they have remained persona non grata in most serious studies of American film. Until now…


Built on five years of research, Nightmare USA explores the development of America’s subterranean horror film industry, spotlighting some of the wildest films imaginable from an era unchecked by censorship or ‘good taste.’ Ranging from cult favourites like I Drink Your Blood to stylish mind-benders like Messiah of Evil and ultra-violent shockers like Don’t Go in the House, Nightmare USA goes where no other in-depth study has gone before, revealing the fascinating true stories behind classics and obscurities alike.

I Drink3

Stephen Thrower, author of Beyond Terror, the definitive book on Italian gore maestro Lucio Fulci, has explored the attics and cellars of American cinema, delved beneath the floorboards, peered between the walls, searching for the strangest, most exotic cine-lifeforms… Nightmare USA is the reader’s guide to what lies beyond the mainstream of American horror, dispelling the shadows to meet the men and women behind fifteen years of screen terror: the Exploitation Independents!

don't go near the park ad mat2

This massive overview of the Horror genre’s development through the 1970s and 1980s features:

  • In-depth interviews with twenty-five grindhouse movie makers, many of whom are discussing their work for the first time ever in print, including David Durston (I Drink Your Blood), Robert Endelson (Fight for Your Life), Frederick Friedel (Axe), Don Jones (Schoolgirls in Chains); and Joseph Ellison (Don’t Go in the House).


  • Over 175 individual films reviewed, with full cast and crew credits compiled by world-renowned cinema archivist Julian Grainger.
  • Vast quantities of previously unpublished stills, posters, press-books, plus behind-the-scenes photographs from the filmmakers’ own collections.

Section One: The Exploitation Independents
A 25,000 word essay charting the rise of Exploitation Horror: from Herschell Gordon Lewis and George Romero to the Slasher phenomenon of the 1980s.


Section Two: Essays on Films and Filmmakers
Dirty Games in Hollywood – the career of James Bryan (Don’t Go in the Woods)
The Frozen Scream Is a Clean Machine – Renee Harmon (Frozen Scream)
The Fiend from Prime-Time – John Peyser on The Centerfold Girls
Carolina on My Mind – the films of Frederick Friedel (Axe, Kidnapped Coed)
It Came from New Jersey! – Douglas McKeown on The Deadly Spawn


Let’s Play Nasty – the films of Don Jones (Schoolgirls in Chains, The Love Butcher, The Forest)
Louisiana Screamin’ – James L. Wilson on Screams of a Winter Night
Satan Was an Acid-Head! – the films of David Durston (I Drink Your Blood, Stigma)
Don’t Make Me Do Anything Bad, Mother… – Joseph Ellison on Don’t Go in the House
If You Go Down in the Caves Today – Mark Sawicki on The Strangeness


The Vigilante of 42nd Street – Robert Endelson on Fight for Your Life
The Living Dead at the All-Night Mall – Willard Huyck on Messiah of Evil

annie hall woody allen house of exorcism + messiah of evil 1977

Hollywood After Dark – the films of John Hayes (Grave of the Vampire, Dream No Evil, Garden of the Dead)
What Really Happened to Tony Vorno’s Victims? – Daniel DiSomma on Victims

If At First You Don’t Succeed… – the films of Tony Malanowski (Night of Horror, Curse of the Screaming Dead)
Punished By the Sun – Marc B. Ray on Scream Bloody Murder


Growing Pains – John Ballard on Friday the 13th: The Orphan
Blood Relations – the films of Irv & Wayne Berwick (Hitch Hike to Hell, Microwave Massacre)

Mind Before Matter – Robert Allen Schnitzer on The Premonition
Spawn of Venice Beach – Stephen Traxler on Slithis
Beyond the Black Room – the films of Norman Thaddeus Vane (The Black Room, The Horror Star)
Robert Voskanian and Robert Dadashian – Raising The Child
Who’s the Ghostest with the Mostest? – the films of Fredric Hobbs (Alabama’s Ghost, Godmonster of Indian Flats)
To Sleep, Perchance to Scream – George Barry on Death Bed: The Bed That Eats
— supplemented in the text by a further twenty interviews with cast and crew members.


Section Three: Reviews
Reviews of a further 120 films, with additional notes and commentaries on the reviews by Roger Watkins (director: Last House on Dead End Street), Walter Dallenbach (writer: Psychopath), Jeremy Hoenack (director: The Dark Ride), Christopher Speeth (director: Malatesta’s Carnival of Blood), John Wintergate (director: BoardingHouse), Wayne Bell (composer: Death Trap), Michael Gornick (cinematographer: Martin), Don Leifert (star: Fiend)

Buy Nightmare USA hardback with poster from Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk

death trap vhs


“Cultural archæology of this kind is increasingly important in our throwaway world, particularly for those of us trying to gain a better understanding of the fringes inhabited by fortean phenomena. The drive-ins, grindhouses and VCRs that beamed Godmonster of Indian Flats or Frozen Scream into the churning collective unconscious of America’s youth are the forge of future forteana, urban folklore and moral panics. These are the cinematic equivalents of Fort’s “damned data”. A final note on the lavish production values – Nightmare USA may be pricey, but it’s all sizzle and all steak, with the text complemented by coffee-table-sized colour pages of rare photos, posters and lobby cards from the filmmakers’ own collections.” Mark Pilkington, Fortean Times

Godmonster 6

“Time and time again, studies are done on some of the great and historical films of our time, but Thrower has jumped into waters that no one else has dared to tread and creates a new perspective for movie lovers. The retail price maybe considerably high, as it runs for close to 60 dollars on Amazon.com, but for hardcore movie aficionados, it’s a purchase you won’t not be sorry that you made.” Anthony Benedetto, Retro Slashers

“Never, in all my days on this slowly decaying planet Earth, have I read a book that made me feel so minuscule in my knowledge of horror, cult, and exploitation films that I simply had to pause for reflection and come to the realization that I simply had no idea how much I truly had to learn about truly cool movies. Reading this book, filled with lengthy chapters covering specific films and specific directors most may never have heard of and giving them the rock star treatment and care as if Federico Fellini, Akira Kurosawa, or Stanley Kubrick were the subjects at matter, is one component to Thrower’s book that sets it apart from the rest.” Shu-Izmz

Film Threat interview with Stephen Thrower

Stephen Thrower’s reviews/articles on Horrorpedia: The Body BeneathThe Brains of Morphoton – Doctor Who monstersThe Bride aka The House That Cried Murder | Don’t Look in the BasementDon’t Open the Door | HierroInferno | ImagesKeep My Grave OpenThe Last House on the Left (2009) | LokisMire Beasts – Doctor Who monsters | Scum of the Earth aka Poor White Trash, Part IIThe Synth of Fear: Horror Film Soundtracks with Synthesizer Scores | Women’s Camp 119


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