Zora, the vampire, better known as Zora la Vampira is an Italian comic book erotic character. The first comic book was published in 1972. Her physical appearance is partly inspired by Catherine Deneuve. The comic book artists who created the character are Giuseppe Pederiali and Balzano Biraghi. The comics were published from 1972 until 1985. A film, also named Zora la Vampira, was released in 2000, directed by the Manetti Brothers.
Her real name is Zora Pabst and is shown as an aristocrat of nineteenth century, possessed by spirit of Dracula, where she becomes her servant to satisfy her lust and blood-lust. Her adventures are a mixture of horror and eroticism.
Zora la Vampira is one of many such characters from the Italian ‘fumetti‘ tradition. Other figures from the same era, and with similarly violent or erotic preoccupations, include Maghella, Lucifera, Biancaneve, Vartan, Jacula, Sukia, Jolanda de Almaviva, and Yra.
Related: Jacula | Les Spéciaux EF | Relatos de Presidio | Sukia | Terror Blu | Vampirella
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